This directory contains homework, laboratory, and exam review material for ECE 4156/6156
- Homework 1 due Jan. 14 by 11:55pm
- Homework 2 due Jan. 17 by 11:55pm
- Lab 1
due Jan. 23 (Prelab) and
Feb. 4
(Lab 1)
- Homework 3 due Jan. 31 by 11:55pm
Homework 4 due Feb. 7
Daniel A. 474
Michael D. 875
Lab 2 due Feb. 14
Homework 5 due Feb. 21
- Midterm I information
Homework 6 due March
Lab 3 due March
Homework 7 due March
Homework 8 due April
Homework 9 due April
Homework 10 due April
Midterm II information
Lab 4 due April
- Lab 5 due on the last class day of the semester
- Homework 11 due on the last class day of the semester
Final information
This web page is http://mooney.gatech.edu/Courses/ECE4156/hwlabexam/