ECE 3170 CHES (CRYPTOGRAPHIC HARDWARE FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS), Fall 2024, 3 lecture hours + 3 lab hours = 4 credit hours total, TTh 2:00-3:15PM

Cryptography from a VLSI Logic Circuit and System-on-a-Chip Perspective

Associate Professor Vincent J. Mooney III

Prerequisites: ECE 2040 and ECE 2031 or equivalents

Fundamental concepts, foundations, and methodologies for the design of trustworthy circuits including protection of the hardware platform against tampering and the unauthorized extraction of information. Introduction to cryptography and security in the context of VLSI design methodology. Lecture topics include authentication, cryptography from a hardware-centric perspective, power analysis attacks, cryptographic hardware and vulnerabilities, VLSI test, supply chain and hardware attacks. Individual laboratories involve the use of CAD tools.

Required Textbook:

Schneier, Applied Cryptography, Second Edition, Wiley, 1996, ISBN 9781119096726.

Optional Textbooks:

Katz and Lindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2015, ISBN 9781466570269.

Menezes et al., Handbook of Applied Cryptography, 5th Printing, CRC Press, 1996, ISBN 0849385237.

Mangard et al., Power Analysis Attacks: Revealing the Secrets of Smart Cards, Springer, 2007, ISBN-10 0-387-30857-1.

Grading Policy

For more information about this course, please consult the web page